Hyoma Chigiri

Chigiri is a forward prodigy who was chained down by a leg injury in his past but he let go of his fears while at Blue Lock so he could continue playing football wholeheartedly. When first arriving at Blue Lock, Chigiri was member of Team Z. Chigiri spent half of the First Selection avoiding participation or keeping it to a bare minimum but when he was motivated by Isagi in Team Z's third game, he decided to let go of his fear and play football to become the world's best striker like his rivals. He was ranked #44 out of the original 300 forwards chosen to be part of the Blue Lock Project and is currently playing for Manshine City as a leftwing during the Neo Egoist League.



Counterattacker: Counterattackers are any attacking player that uses their pace to beat defenders and cause unexpected scoring opportunities at any time. They also need some degree of shooting skill. Counterattacking opportunities occur when the opposition are themselves attacking a team with most of their players forward. A counterattack happens when the ball is won back and is quickly played into space for a counterattacking player to run onto or where a player takes the ball themselves and runs with pace into a sparsely defended opposition half.

Chigiri's natural physical disposition allows him to run at incredible speeds compared to most players and along with his great focus he is able to keep control of the ball and his speed while moving through tight spaces, between players, and switching between dribbling and passing seamlessly. After training with Manshine City, Chigiri more carefully decides where he is going to cut and run as Chigiri now aims for his ideal shooting zone using his refined speed and dribbling instead of blindly into the penalty area as fast as possible.


Immense Speed: Chigiri has naturally strong leg muscles and expert footwork, which enables him to run down the field at incredible speeds. Chigiri is generally considered to be the fastest player in Blue Lock and only players with immense speed, like Ryusei Shidou, Eita Otoya, and Zantetsu Tsurugi can compete with him. While his speed is rivaled by a handful of players, as of yet, nobody has been able to beat him in a direct contest of speed. Chigiri has even sped past Oliver Aiku, the #1 defender of the Japan U-20. This speed, combined with his perception and awareness of positioning enables him to choose the appropriate breakthrough point in an opponent's defence and to speed through. In addition to this, Chigiri has demonstrated the ability to directly kick the ball and follow it, resulting in a wide dribble that can break apart an enemy's formation. It is for these reasons Chigiri has one of the best breakthrough abilities in Blue Lock.

  • Long-Distance Sprinting: While Chigiri may not have explosive acceleration like Zantestu or Ryusei, he is by far faster over long distance. Chigiri makes use of this weapon by "passing" to himself, sending the ball a long distance ahead of him (around 50 meters) and running to pick it up. As a result, he is able to break through even the tightest and strongest of defences with relative ease.
  • No-Break Dribble: Instead of trapping a pass, Chigiri bounces the ball forward without stopping his run. He then runs at breakneck speeds with the ball in tow and during the sprint accelerates even faster without losing momentum from adjustment, being unable to be stopped by anybody trying to stop him or defend the goal.
  • High-Speed Pressure: Chigiri is able to utilise his speed in a defensive manner, by quickly moving across the field to hound whoever is in possession of the ball. This pressure can force errors in opponent's and easily allows Chigiri's team to set up traps. However, this tactic is incredibly draining on Chigiri's stamina, as he cannot run for a long period of time.

44 Panther Snipe: A style Chigiri developed which combines the different skills and techniques he has learnt in Blue Lock, as well as enhancing them with the training in the Neo-Egoist League, enabling him to score goals in a way that is unique to him. First, Chigiri locates his ideal shooting zone, which is approximately 44 degrees left, 19 meters from the goal. Second, he uses his cut-in to penetrate the opponent's formation, reaching the ideal point. Third, he uses his centering technique to quickly fire a controlled shot towards the corner of the goal.

  • Mach Cut-In: Chigiri baits his opponent by remaining still, then from no motion he bursts into a cut-in, going either outside or inside the opposing defender. He can perform this move multiple times, to speed past multiple defenders and eventually reach his shooting zone.
  • Controlled Shot: Centering his body quickly, Chigiri is able to unleash a highly controlled and accurate shot into the top left corner of the goal.

Meguru Bachira

Bachira is a whimsical forward who plays following his instincts and when first arriving at Blue Lock he was a member of Team Z during First Selection. His main goal was to find soccer rivals to play with, who also have a "monster" inside of them but that later changes to becoming the best striker in the world when he overcomes his childhood trauma. After the Japan U-20 match, Bachira currently plays as center forward for FC Barcha in the Neo Egoist League.



Dribbler: Dribblers are players known for their close ball control ability that is used to go past defenders by sudden change of direction and acceleration sometimes combined with great pace. The skill is used to create opportunities for other attackers or to score themselves having broken through the opposition's defence using what is sometimes referred to as "trickery". One of the great spectator sights in football is a player going on a "mazy run" with the ball, twisting and turning to avoid opposition tackles, beating a number of players.

Bachira's dribbling technique allows him to break through most defenses with only high level players being able to stop him but it is very rare to see the ball stolen from him. Team Z heavily relied on his dribbling ability to get the ball down the field during First Selection. His dribbling is rivaled by only a handful of players in Blue Lock and mixed with his key passing skill he has proven to be a much needed asset on any team. After the initial training of the Neo Egoist League, Bachira has evolved his dribbling by moving away from proactive dribbling to more counteractive dribbling, preferring to read his opponents movements first, maturing in the way he moves down the field.


Elastic Dribbling: Bachira's dribbling style relies on his supreme technique and creativity to get through other player's defenses. His dribbling ability is so advanced that Isagi has noted before that it would be impossible for him to outright steal the ball in a one-on-one.

  • Egotistical Style: During the Second Selection, Bachira evolved his dribbling to a new egoistic style, where he refuses to pass the ball, prefeering to move dynamically past defenders alone. If his team will not challenge his expectations then he does not care to have them in his plays. This was demonstrated to devastating effect when he dribbled past Isagi and then proceeded to take on all three of Chigiri, Baro and Nagi, breaking past them all to go through on goal and once again when he single handedly broke past the entire Japan U-20 defense. After training under Ravinho and with FC Barcha, Bachira has decided to mix his dynamic and explosive dribbling with the free flowing style of FC Barcha creating a whole new egotist style.
  • Hyperspeed Scissors: Bachira performs a scissor feint at incredible speed, making it hard to follow.
  • Marseille Turn: In order to get around an opponent, Bachira performs a roulette, almost immediately after his scissor feints.
  • Midair Elastico: Bachira can perform the complex elastico dribble, while the ball is in the air, drawing in his opponents to try to steal the ball, before breaking past them.
  • Rabona: Bachira kicks the ball where his kicking leg is crossed behind the back of his standing leg. He has managed to kick the ball over an incoming defender while doing this.
  • Nutmeg: During the Second Selection, Bachira was able to perform a triple nutmeg on Isagi, Chigiri and Baro, all in succession, demonstrating his technical ability.
  • Double Touch Feint: Bachira performs hyper speed scissors and flows into a one-two touch feint.
  • Aerial Rush Turn: Coming off of a double touch feint, Bachira moves towards the opponent and while maintaining top speed turns on the ball and rotates around the defender easily breaking through their defense.

Key Passing: Bachira is also a very talented passer, enabling him to assist many different goals. He has, on multiple occasions, gotten an assist by crossing from the wings, as well as passing from the midfield. He also has demonstrated a range of passing techniques.

  • High Speed Ground Pass: An quick pass with incredible top spin, that bounces across the ground.
  • No-Look Pass: Bachira uses the Rabona technique to pass, without looking.
  • Long-Range Backspin Pass: Bachira can perform a long range pass, travelling nearly 60 meters, with backspin, allowing the ball to hug the ground whilst rising up. This pass is best used in a chemical reaction with a tall player, who can intercept the ball in its flight path, rather than on the ground.
  • Quick Cross: Using the movements of another player as a precursor, Bachira fires a quick cross into the box which can only be met at great speed. He used this to assist Rin's goal against the Team World Five.
  • Heel Lift Pass: While running with the ball in tow and into defenders who begin pressing him, Bachira quickly lifts the ball with his back heel over their heads swiftly passing it to a teammate to avoid the press.
  • Bee Shot: After swiftly passing the ball to his teammates and running through defenders, Bachira receives the ball again and makes a close free form shot that is too quick to react to.

Flow State: Flow, as described by Ego, is the state of "total immersion" or "being in the zone". It is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

Bachira has unintentionally and intentionally entered Flow State numerous times during Blue Lock, as early as the First Selection. In this state he has performed a triple nutmeg on some of the best players in Blue Lock and has broken through their defense with ease almost scoring all by himself if not for the confidence and respect his opponent had in his skill which caused them to intercept him.

Monstrance: When he enters the Flow State, Bachira enters a challenge-centred trance, performing techniques incredibly quickly, including multiple feints and moving purely on instinct. Since he moves without conscious thought, it is incredibly difficult to predict and stop for the defenders. In this state, Bachira was able to easily overcome the U20 defenders and even Oliver Aiku. Bachira has evolved this further by being able to go into Monstrance at will and even combining his explosive style with the free and flowing Ginga style of Ravinho being able to produce even more explosively creative plays.

  • Monster x Ginga: After fusing Lavinho's Ginga style with his Monstertrance, Bachira evolves his dribbling to be even more explosive, free flowing, and unpredictable.
  • Trick Break: After waiting and reading his opponent Bachira lunges towards a defender, performing a chop dribble between his legs while hugging the defender using their posture to limit their response and push himself forward with the ball. When the defender attempts to respond, Bachira is able to push off the defender with ease while still following the ball and counteracting any further stops.
  • Monster Lift: Bachira is able to perform an audacious lift, by first lifting the ball and moving into a shooting motion, before kicking the ball downwards with force and topspin. Upon bouncing, the ball spins over the head of the defender, for Bachira to chase down. Bachira used this to great effect against Aiku.

Yoichi Isagi

Isagi second-year student and previously played as a forward for the Ichinan High School football team. When first arriving at Blue Lock he was a member of Team Z during First Selection. His main goal is to become the world's best striker. After the Blue Lock Eleven played against the Japan U-20, Isagi is ranked as one of the top players in Blue Lock and plays as an offensive midfielder on Bastard München during the Neo Egoist League.



Raumdeuter: The word essentially translates to “space investigator”, and is best used to define the German’s effective role when exploiting the half space. A Raumdeuter’s main function is to drift infield and find pockets of space in which to thrive; it is essentially a player who locates dangerous areas of the pitch and uses unoccupied space to create confusion among opposition backlines. They are limited dribblers, and are not characterized by their pace. Their first touch is very efficient, and is a huge contributor to their set-up touches prior to scoring.

Isagi creates ideals plays and chance opportunities by using his spatial awareness to view the field as a whole and the players on it. With his understanding of all the players he uses his off the ball movements to occupy empty spaces or create dangerous ones to form ideal plays for his teammates, chance opportunities using his teammates, and to score high level goals for himself. Due to his relationships and game time with most of the prominent Blue Lock players, Isagi is able to bring the best out of his teammates by either forcing them to perform plays so he can attack or by them pushing themselves to exceed Isagi's evolving skill. He has been noted to be the heart of Blue Lock by Sae Itoshi and implied to be that by Ego. His skills are highly recognized and respected by a majority of Blue Lock, even Jinpachi Ego comments publicly on his ability. As of the Neo Egoist League, Isagi is recognized as the ace of Blue Lock.


Spatial Awareness: Isagi instinctually begins to analyze the entire field, giving him a vast understanding of the game, including his opponents and teammates’ weapons. Based on this understanding, Isagi can make accurate predictions as to the flow of the game. These premonitions then allow him to envision an ideal play mid-game and execute it. His spatial awareness is among the highest in Blue Lock, often rivaling and sometimes surpassing other player's own visions, such as Niko and Rin.

  • Goal Scent: Using his spatial awareness, Isagi instinctively recognizes the “scent of a goal” that is emitted off of key players from his prediction and is able to expertly send them the ball so they may score.
  • Adaptability (適応能力 Tekiō Nōryoku?): It was noted by Naruhaya that Isagi is a genius in terms of adaptability. By understanding the core of both his teammate's and opponent's football, Isagi can adapt his style to either devour or counter their talent. The best example of this is when he "devoured" Naruhaya's off the ball movements and ability to exploit blind spots. This was also seen when he adapted to devour Baro and exploit his weaknesses in order to score. Perhaps Isagi's greatest feat of adaptation was when he was able to adjust his plan to defeat Rin, taking into account his physical advantages, and predicting the actions Rin would take to block his shot.

Direct Shot (直撃蹴弾ダイレクトシュート Dairekuto Shūto?, Direct Shoot): Isagi first assesses the positions of defenders and the trajectory of the ball, then lands a powerful kick on the ball's impact point in order to score a clean goal. In doing this, Isagi avoids having to overthink his positioning and next move and can just score a clean shot with no interference. It was noted by Nagi that Isagi has no wasted motion when performing his shot, implying that Isagi performs it with flawless technique and control.

  • Back Heel Shot: Isagi first assesses the positions of defenders and feints a direct shot in anticipation for his opponent's block. Then he lands a powerful backwards kick on the ball's impact point in order to score a clean shot. This move was first used against Itoshi Rin, during their rematch in the Second Selection, which surprised everyone on the field.

Off the Ball Movements: A term used to describe the moments where players are not in possession of the ball. Isagi may use these moments to position himself in his opponents’ blind spots, position himself in a place where he can deceive the opposition and be a decoy for his teammates shots, or to position himself close enough to a teammate to pull off super close back to back passing that can breakthrough an enemy's defense.

  • Positioning: Mirroring Rin, Isagi is able to use his positioning to exploit luck during a game. If he realises the ball will not be passed to him, Isagi will move to an opportune location, where he is in the blind spot of his opponent and where he would be able to score directly off of a direct shot. He used this to score the decisive goal in the match against the U-20

Reflex (反射的 Hanshateki?): Isagi, as of the match against the Japan U-20, has begun to consciously incorporate reflex into his playmaking. Isagi is able to use his awareness of the conditions of the field to find spaces of opportunity, either to attack the opponent's goal or defend his own. He used this to instinctively move to a position where he could use a Direct Shot, after passing to Nagi, he used this to read Sae's corner kick, by taking into account Sae's pass, as well as Rin's and Shidou's positioning, and he also demonstrated this ability at the end of Japan U-20 match when he by reflex moved to the ball while in the blindspots of the Japan U-20 defense, scoring a powerful direct shot.

Metavision (超越視界メタ・ビジョン Meta Bijon?, Transcendence Sight): A term used to describe a player's evolved vision that gives them an omnipotent perspective of the field. Using his eyes to constantly take in information from his central and peripheral vision, Isagi constantly collects data on every player, every play they make, and their positions on the field. After analyzing Michael Kaiser's goal formula, Isagi adopted Kaiser's transcendent use of his vision into his own style of play and mixed with his spatial awareness, positioning, and reflex Isagi is able to swiftly predict and shut down the plays of some of the best Blue Lock players and further create ideal situations for his own goals using his teammates in a way that is only possible for him.

Flow State: Flow, as described by Ego, is the state of "total immersion" or "being in the zone". It is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

Isagi's Flow state involves Isagi constantly using all of his weapons at once to read the field and the distortions caused by the players on it. With his metavision, he complexly reads the field and identifies distortions then takes advantage of these distortions with his spatial awareness and reflex and either mounts a surprise ironclad defense or a swift and unstoppable attack. Isagi has unintentionally entered Flow State numerous times during Blue Lock, even as early as the First Selection, though his most impressive feat in Flow was stealing the ball from Nagi at the very beginning of Manshine City's play and immediately beginning a counterattack that was unstoppable and near unreadable by the entire field leading to a goal.

Rin Itoshi

Rin is the younger brother of Sae Itoshi and started playing football with him at a young age. Rin has played as a forward on every team he was on, always being one of the top players. In Blue Lock, Rin is regarded as the best player until he is officially confirmed to be the #1 player by Jinpachi Ego at the beginning of Third Selection. Rin's main goal is to become the world's best striker. He use to be fixated on defeating his brother in soccer and in turn getting revenge on him for abandoning their shared dream but after the Blue Lock Eleven played against the Japan U-20 he let go of his revenge and decided to change so that he may become the world's best striker, defeating anybody in his path. Rin is an ideal candidate for the type of striker Ego strives to create and after the Japan U-20 match, Rin is ranked as one of the top players in Blue Lock. Rin currently plays as regular on PXG during the Neo Egoist League.



Playmaker: A player who controls the flow of the team's offensive play, and is often involved in passing moves which lead to goals, through their vision, technique, ball control, creativity, and passing ability.

When he was younger, Rin was an instinctual player but being trained and guided by his brother made him develop a notably logical and predictive style of playing. Whether on offense or defense, Rin's playstyle consists of him grasping the abilities of both his teammates and his opponents and forcing out their best plays and abilities, manipulating them in his efforts to score goals for himself.


Superior Football Technique: Rin is one of two players in Blue Lock who has top tier stats, along with Ryusei Shidou. During the Third Selection, he scored an average 2.5 goals a game, which was the highest among the Top 6. His spatial awareness, ball control, power, and kick accuracy are only rivaled by a handful of players. Though Shidou can be described similarly, the thing that makes Rin the best in Blue Lock is his willingness to cooperate with and create chemical reactions with his teammates, while Shidou scores goals completely independently. Rin's experience and techniques are advanced enough that he is able to play the role of captain, act as the focal point for an offense, play in defense and even overcome high-level defenders, using their own strengths against them.

Perfect Kick Accuracy: Rin's primary weapon is his highly accurate kick. His shooting/passing accuracy is near perfect, as demonstrated when he kicked two balls in such a way that they travelled different trajectories, yet still hit each other in mid-air. Rin's kicks are so accurate that he is able to score from long distance; Isagi implied that he could potentially score from anywhere below 35 meters, free kicks and even directly from corner kicks. Even when being physically pressured by players like Shidou Ryusei or Tabito Karasu, he is able to make a pinpoint shot. Oliver Aiku notes that his shot power and accuracy decrease when he uses his left foot, but in most conditions where Rin can get off a shot, it is on target. Rin needs space and range to set up his shooting pattern, the denial of which can result in his shot being off. However, he uses his other weapons to find himself with plenty of both, making him one of the top scorers in Blue Lock.

  • Pinpoint High Speed Free Kick: Rin fires a blazing fast free kick, with incredible accuracy. This free kick was so fast and accurate that it went right over Isagi's head, without giving him a chance to react.
  • Vertical Spinning Direct Shot: A direct shot from the corner spot, which targets the furthest top corner of the goal. This shot can take players off guard if they do not expect it, thought it can be prevented through positioning.
  • Line Drive Shot: Rin attempted to replicate his brother's shot, by dribbling to the byline and using his left foot to fire the ball over the goalkeeper and into the far side netting. However, the decrease in shot power and accuracy meant his shot was saved and hit the post.
  • Jump Shot: After feinting to circumvent an opponent's defence, Rin lifts the ball and performs a jumping roundhouse kick. With this technique, Rin is able to both shoot with frightening accuracy and evade a challenge from an opponent.
  • Blind Shot: Rin takes advantage of the movements of another player to shield the ball from the keeper's vision, before firing a blind shot that the keeper cannot react to in time.
  • Trivela (Shot): A technique wherein which one puts spin on the ball using the outside of their foot. Rin hides his form, to force the assumption that he will shoot with his left foot, before shooting with his right. Rin is able to do this and score from outside the penalty area, as demonstrated against the Japan U-20.
  • Trivela (Pass): A technique wherein which one puts spin on the ball using the outside of their foot. Rin can use this technique to pass the ball, manipulating the opponent into thinking his pass has missed, only for it spin back to its destination.
  • Oppressive Pass: Rin makes a difficult pass to his teammate in order to continue a play. He will usually play this pass into the optimal space for his teammate to retrieve it and return the pass (in the case of Aryu) or into the space where he expects his teammate to breakthrough (in the case of Bachira). This pass, as opposed to a more creative one, challenges the limitations of Rin's team, forcing them to rise to meet his expectations.

Spatial Awareness: Rin analyzes the entire field, including the positions of himself, his teammates and his opponents, in order to determine the best play. Rin's tactical ability and spatial awareness are at such a level that only Isagi can understand, counter, and rival his analytical ability. Rin is routinely able to predict the positioning and movements of other players, including Isagi, setting up traps and baits to lure them into unfavorable positions, intercepting their plays and setting up his own.

  • Spacing: By reading the weapon of his opponent, as well as the positions of other players on the field, Rin spaces himself in such a way as to allow for him to predict and respond to whatever they decide to do.
  • Synchronization: Rin is also able to use his spatial awareness defensively, through reading and understanding the core of his opponent's football he can overlap his thoughts with theirs to predict what they will do next. He used this to halt the combined offense of Sae and Shidou during the U-20 match. However, focusing solely on playing defensively makes it difficult for him to join the offense to score his own goals.

Off the Ball Movements: A term used to describe the moments where players are not in possession of the ball. Rin makes use of these movements to position himself in an opponent's blind spot, as well as to manoeuvre into goal scoring positions. He does this after determining the field of view of the players on the pitch, similar to Isagi.

  • Positioning: Rin has incredible positioning, constantly moving to areas where he can receive the ball in space and still be able to score a goal. If Rin realises that he will not receive a pass, he always positions himself in a place where he would be able to score if he should receive the ball by chance. He demonstrated this positioning during the Second Selection, as well as during the U-20 match. Rin also uses this defensively, in combination with his spatial awareness. After using his spacing, Rin gives himself enough room to predict where the opponent will likely break through, then uses his positioning to intercept them.
  • Super-Speed Interlock: By using the movements of another player as a precursor, Rin moves into a position where he can meet a quick cross in an open space. He used this in conjunction with Bachira to score against the Team World Five.

Puppet-Controlling Soccer: Rin's main play style is about controlling and manipulating what his opponent thinks. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each player on the field, Rin uses his superior technique, tactical and physical ability to manipulate them into scenarios that will result in a goal. He can do this by using his own abilities against the opponent, or by combining his strengths with his team's. This style of soccer, pushes his team's abilities to their limits and beyond, resulting in highly complex and effective passages of play that often result in a goal.
  • Feints: By positioning himself at a range where he can shoot, Rin manipulates his opponent into thinking he will shoot. This draws in the opponent to attempt a block, before he feints in order to bypass them. Rin can also use this in reverse. By changing his form and hiding his motion he fools his opponent into thinking he won't shoot, before he does.
  • Marseille Turn: After manipulating his opponent into thinking he will perform a regular feint, Rin transitions into a roulette, to get around their defence.
  • Elastico Nutmeg: Rin knocks the ball sideways with the outside of his foot, in order to force a challenge from his opponent, before using the inside of his foot to push the ball between their legs and get past them. He used this to get past Sendo.

Flow State: Flow, as described by Ego, is the state of "total immersion" or "being in the zone". It is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

  • Opposite Acceleration: When facing someone with speed as their weapon, Rin knocks the ball to the side, in order to bait their acceleration forward, before he suddenly accelerates in the opposite direction, nutmegging them in the process. He used this to get by Neru.
  • Off the Ball Movements: When facing someone with off the ball movements as their weapon, Rin will cross them multiple times to get in behind, before using his hand to prevent them from turning around to stop him. He used this to get by Darai.
  • Centre of Gravity Full Burst: When facing someone with core strength as their weapon, Rin will force a physical pressure duel, knocking the ball up as bait. When they charge in, Rin will shift to stance with a low centre of gravity, to break their balance, using their own charge against them. He used this to get by Niou.