Egghead Island

Egghead is a winter island in the New World belonging to the World Government, which houses the laboratory of Dr. Vegapunk. It also has the label of Future Island and is said to be "500 years in the future". It is located southeast of Wano Country. It is the primary setting of the Egghead Arc. According to Nami, Egghead is naturally a winter island, but due to Vegapunk's Island A.C. technology, its climate is now closer to that of a tropical rainforest. That said, the waters surrounding Egghead still display elements of its original weather, featuring freezing winds, icebergs and strong currents that even Jinbe, a fish-man helmsman, admitted were too powerful for him to navigate through properly. Furthermore, Warm Eddys that rise several meters upwards (to the point of resembling a waterspout) are found in this area due to the warmed up waters coming from Egghead's inland reacting to its external cold waters. Egghead appears to be a relatively small island dotted with trees, with its most notable feature being a giant, cracked open egg-shaped structure that towers above the clouds (Vegapunk's laboratory). The island also features an underground, man-made tunnel resembling a sewer with metal ladders that lead to the surface.

According to Jewelry Bonney, back when she first visited the island in her childhood, Egghead only featured a standard laboratory. The factory level of the island, the Fabriophase is home to the workers and researchers on the island. It features a futuristic city with buildings resembling glass domes, rockets, and video game controllers, as well as a variety of highly advanced technology such as automatic meal dispensers and holograms depicting giant monster battles. This is the place where Vegapunk's inventions are displayed for public use. The Fabriophase also features a scrapyard where Vegapunk's failed creations are discarded. The laboratory level, the Labophase is within the giant egg that sits on a manufactured Island Cloud. This is where Vegapunk conducts his research projects. As a result of Dr. Vegapunk's tireless research, Egghead's configuration as a island has been heavily modified from its original state. The island is now a high-tech wonderland where Vegapunk tests and exhibits many of his inventions. Despite Vegapunk's achievements and much to his frustration, however, the lack of monetary funds and qualified manpower to iterate his works offsite means a lot of the revolutionary technology employed on the island cannot be mass-produced, limiting their existence to Egghead alone as a result. In fact, due to having so little time and help available, Vegapunk went as far as splitting his own self into six satellite bodies in order to increase his multi-project efficiency and supervision. Some of those satellites also appear to be responsible for testing new technology on and around Egghead. Usually, ships which sail to Egghead never reach the island, as some of Vegapunk's own creations, the Sea Beast Weapons, which are modified and mechanized Sea Beasts from the surrounding sea, roam the waters around Egghead and sink every ship that comes close to the island. Not only does this provide a powerful method of self-protection for Egghead, but it also allows Vegapunk to pillage enemy ships of their valuables in order to amass funds for further scientific projects. 

The Island A.C. is a weather-manipulating system that controls and regulates Egghead's climate, down to the soil temperature. It is because of this technology that Egghead, despite originally being a winter island with harsh frozen seas, currently exhibits a comfortable tropical climate. This system also allows other pieces of technology to properly function by providing them with the necessary atmospheric conditions to do so, such as the Vegaforce-01's jet propulsion and anti-gravity units, and the Island Clouds that support the Labophase.

Notably, Karakuri Island features a similar island-heating project that was left unfinished by Vegapunk during his youth, implying the scientist was eventually able to successfully complete the concept at Egghead.

A Hologram is a tridimensional light projection that simulates a real or imaginary object. It is a technology that is common in science fiction works.

Egghead features various holograms depicting things such as humans, food, aliens and giant robots. Normally, it is impossible for people to interact with the holograms, but thanks to Vegapunk's ingenuity, he was able to develop a special set of Light-Pressure Gloves that allows him to physically touch the light constructs as if they were tangible.

The Automatic Cooking Machine is, as the name implies, a device that automatically prepares a variety of meals (up to five hundred according to Atlas) as long as primary ingredients are available. The machine is interacted through illustrative buttons that, when pressed, provide the corresponding meal on the spot in less than a minute. The resulting trash is then consumed by a nearby Recycle-Wan, apparently for recycling purposes.

The use of those cooking machines is not free however, requiring the consumer to pay for whatever meals they order. Failure to offer payment will be considered theft and lead to a Pacifista being deployed after the offenders.

Standard Pacifista units in armored outfits are employed in Egghead as its primary police force. Should someone violate any of the country's laws, an unit will be sent into the streets in order to locate and attack the offenders. Despite their role as upholders of local order, the Pacifista can still cause major collateral destruction due to their usage of laser weaponry.

Void Century

The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. The events of this period are so important and relevant that by learning them, one is said to become aware of the "true history" of the world. 800 years ago, at the end of the Void Century, the World Government was born and took political control of the entire world, uniting all countries and forming the Council of Kings. For the World Government, the events of the Void Century were better left unknown as information linked to it is considered far too dangerous. When the research of the Poneglyphs was outlawed, hundreds of scholars across the world were killed. Since then, a very strict ban on any research at all related to the Void Century has been put in place. At the end of the Void Century, the 20 kingdoms came together to defeat the Ancient Kingdom and then founded what is now known as the World Government. The founding members pledged the equality between their kingdoms in front of the Empty Throne, with each kingdom leaving a weapon of their own next to the throne in order to symbolize its protection. The exact process of how it was founded and how they covered up the 100-year gap remains unknown.

Poneglyphs are mysterious stone blocks with history inscribed onto them, and these blocks are scattered all over the Grand Line. The Government has forbidden anyone to research or study these blocks. They have been said to be unbreakable by Professor Clover. The Ancient Weapons are three weapons of mass destruction that are powerful enough to bring ruin to the entire world. They're known as Pluton, an ancient battleship capable of massive destruction, Poseidon, a Mermaid with the ability to communicate with and control Sea Kings, and Uranus, the properties of which remain unknown. The Ancient Weapons are the argument used by the World Government to forbid the research of the missing years. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea Arc; the dates were seen in Robin's flashback. This period became known as the Void Century because there is nothing left to acknowledge anything that happened in it, aside from the poneglyphs which are written in a language that only two living people know how to read. However, it causes a problem with the known histories of the world as nothing ties up because of that missing period. Though many seem to know there is a gap in the historical record, virtually everyone is unaware that filling in this gap is possible. For example, Nefertari Cobra, after being told by Nico Robin about this missing period, was completely shocked that a way to "tie the threads of history together" existed. The fact that filling the gap is possible was proven when "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh revealed that the Roger Pirates discovered the true history. The true history of the world apparently contains secrets so dangerous that those who are aware of them, including outlaws, are highly reluctant to talk about them. The Roger Pirates and Edward Newgate did not reveal to the public what lies hidden at Laugh Tale and Kozuki Oden did not reveal to his followers the true history because he considered it a burden. Silvers Rayleigh offered to tell the true history to Nico Robin, but warned her that the way she was then, she would not be able to do anything about it. The most important event during the Void Century has to be the Great War. It ended around 722 with the fall of Shandora. In Enel's cover story, there is an ancient city on the moon with another bunch of identical Automata. There is a painting on the wall that shows a Skypiean with Automata following him on the left while a Shandorian and Birkan work on the right. After resources on the moon ran out, the three races departed for the "Blue Star". One of the three races, the Shandorians, ended up on the isle of Jaya where they built the city of Shandora one thousand years ago. The great city of Shandora collapsed during this war, the Shandorians defended the city against "those who seek the stone". The city collapsed, but the Shandia, who are the descendants of the Shandorians, kept on defending the city for over eight hundred years afterwards. All three races are noted to have wings on their backs (though each has a slightly different shape) and may have even once been the same race. The connection between the sky island of Skypiea and the Void Century is the poneglyph left there for the Shandia and the Shandorians before them to protect. The Great Kingdom was a great and powerful kingdom that was destroyed by the Twenty Kingdoms, who would later evolve into the World Government. The kingdom was so powerful that its existence posed a great threat to the world, and is the reason why studying the poneglyphs is outlawed. In the Great Kingdom's illustration, a few moon-craters are shown, indicating a possible connection of it with the kingdom. The Great Kingdom had a name, which is yet to be revealed. However, Clover stated that its name was of tremendous importance and held the key of understanding the Void Century.

One Piece Chapter 1066 Hottest Spoilers: The Will Of Ohara

Little Spoiler, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

One Piece Chapter 1,066: "The will of Ohara".

Dragon and Vegapunk were in Ohara after World Government attack. They knew Clover.
After the attack to Ohara, Dragon decided to form an army.
A group of giants carried all Ohara's books to Elbaf. That group was lead by "someone with bandages all over the body". At the end of chapter, Luffy meets real Vegapunk.- Real Vegapunk: "Dragon's son! I know you'd come!!"

one piece 1066 spoiler

redon replying to some comments on the Spanish forum:

Comment: Will the appearance of the real Vegapunk be revealed?

redon: Yeah, we see what he looks like.

Comment: I'm really intrigued by the Dragon - Vegapunk relationship, is it known roughly when Vegapunk started working with the navy? I wonder if it's before the Ohara incident. If so, we could think that Dragon was a marine and after seeing what happened, he decided to rebel... VERY interesting

redon: Everything is explained in the chapter. What I've posted is a short spoiler, it's not everything that appears in the chapter.

Slam Dunk Movie Replace All The Original Voice Actors

The first slam dunk revealed that it had recast its main characters, to the surprise of many fans. Along with the new cast reveal, an official trailer for the film has also been released. The new cast announcement and trailer were released during a recent live stream that featured the film's main cast. Details were also shared on the movie's official twitter account. Once the cast was announced, many fans did not expect the film to replace the original tv anime cast with new voice actors. The first slam dunk is a new movie based on takehiko inoue's iconic manga series, slam dunk. The film is written and directed by inoue himself and features 3dcg animation. Slam dunk is one of the most popular manga of the 90s, helped in part by the tv anime adaptation by toei animation. Toei will handle the production for this upcoming movie again, but it now has 3dcg animation. The move to 3DCG animation might be a bit of a surprise to some, but given the recent anime film trends, it makes sense.

After all, Toei's Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, released earlier this year, also featured 3DCG animation.

As for its cast, the film features:

    Subaru Kimura as Hanamichi Sakuragi
    Shugo Nakamura as Ryota Miyagi
    Jun Kasama as Hisashi Mitsui
    Shin'ichiro Kamio as Kaede Rukawa
    Kenta Miyake as Takenori Akagi

Kaede Rukawa
Ryota Miyagi
Hanamichi Sakuragi

While the film features a cast with some well-known voice actors, this hasn't stopped fans from being surprised, and some were even disappointed with the recasting decision. Toei Animation and DandeLion Animation Studio are producing the movie. The original mangaka Takehiko Inoue is directing and providing the screenplay, with Yasuyuki Ebara as chief animation director and person in charge of the character designs. The movie revealed a teaser visual in December of last year. Takehiko Inoue wrote and illustrated the original Slam Dunk sports manga, and it was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from September 18, 1990, to June 4, 1996. It ran for a total of 276 chapters, which were compiled into 31 volumes. Toei Animation produced the TV anime adaptation, which ran from October 1, 1993, to March 23, 1996 for a total of 101 episodes. In addition to the main anime series, there are also 4 short movies.

Takenori Akagi

Hisashi Mitsui

Viz Media licensed the manga, and they describe the story:
Hanamichi Sakuragi’s got no game with girls–none at all! It doesn’t help that he’s known for throwing down at a moment’s notice and always coming out on top. A hopeless bruiser, he’s been rejected by 50 girls in a row! All that changes when he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko, and she’s actually not afraid of him! When she introduces him to the game of basketball, his life is changed forever