Charlotte Brûlée

Charlotte Brûlée is the eighth daughter and 19th child of the Charlotte Family and the older twin sister of Broyé. She is also an officer of the Big Mom Pirates.

She was stationed in the Seducing Woods to ambush the Sanji Retrieval Team, but after being defeated, the team used her Devil Fruit ability to enter an alternate dimension known as Mirro-World to move around Totto Land. Due to her actions and role, she is a major antagonist in the Whole Cake Island Arc.


Brûlée looks in many respects like the stereotypical witch. She is an extremely tall, slightly hunched, and gray-skinned woman with a well-endowed yet thin figure, which makes her limbs appear to be exceptionally long. She stands at roughly twice Nami's height (170 cm), with her legs alone being noticeably longer than said woman is overall. She also has very long, gnarled fingers with overlong, sharp nails painted blue. The woman's face has very striking, hag-like features. Her droopy eyes have yellow irises and long lashes, and are topped by viridian eye shadow and black, high-arched eyebrows, which she keeps perpetually furrowed. She has a huge and over-projected, reddish hook nose (similar to her mother's), a large mouth with purple lipstick that is usually seen devilishly smiling, a square jaw, and a brown, sharp-cornered scar stretching diagonally down her face from right to left. Brûlée's hair is lavender and divided into two side locks that cascade over her breasts, as well as four other, similarly long, and sharp, lock-like segments that stick to the sides, slightly curved upward.


Brûlée is prideful, as she was rather offended when Carrot referred to her as a talking tree and Luffy called her a branch, as well as when her mother sent Charlotte Cracker to fight the Straw Hats in her stead due to not considering her powerful enough. Brûlée is confident in her powers and claims that she could kill the Straw Hats in an instant, not liking to be underestimated. Due to the terrible scar on her face, she is envious of those with alluring faces to the point that she wants to slice them up. Her jealousy is also tempered with a very sadistic nature as shown when she intended to boil Carrot alive, Brûlée was excited in disfiguring Carrot's face with horrible burns. 

Abilities and Powers

As an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, Brûlée holds a high position in the crew and has authority over lower-ranking members.

Brûlée is a fairly powerful fighter, as Big Mom had enough confidence in her to prevent the Sanji Retrieval Team from escaping the Seducing Woods. She is also capable of coordinating with several homies in the forest to fight against them.

Physical Abilities

Brûlée is rather strong, as she was easily able to lift and hold Nami by the neck with one hand. She also uses her long and sharp fingernails to slice people. Brûlée also has fast reflexes. She was able to dodge Pound's punch easily and defend against Carrot, an extremely fast mink in her own right. She has considerable endurance, as she was able to withstand being scalded by a giant pot of soup as well as being electrocuted by Carrot's Electro and Nami's Thundercloud Rod, then regain consciousness shortly afterwards.

Tactical Skills

She is skilled in tactics such as ambush, traps, and trickery as seen when she easily separated Luffy from the Sanji Retrieval Team, sneaked up on Nami by disguising herself as Luffy, and easily trapped Carrot, a capable mink fighter, with only minimal effort.

Devil Fruit

Brûlée ate the Mira Mira no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to create and manipulate mirrors. She can use her mirrors to reflect attacks back at her opponents, turn any mirror into a portal to the "Mirro-World", and transform herself and other living things into mirror images of different people.


When she chased Chopper and Carrot inside the Mirro-World, Brûlée wielded a scythe.

Medical Expertise

Brûlée seems to have some medical knowledge as she tended to Katakuri's wounds after his defeat at the hands of Luffy.

Charlotte Oven

Charlotte Oven is the fourth son and fifth child of the Charlotte Family and the younger triplet brother of Katakuri and Daifuku. He is also an officer of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Browned Food (こんがり大臣 Kongari Daijin?, Viz: "Minister of Baking"), governing over Yakigashi Island.

Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Whole Cake Island Arc.<p>&nbsp;</p>Charlotte Oven is the fourth son and fifth child of the Charlotte Family and the younger triplet brother of Katakuri and Daifuku. He is also an officer of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Browned Food (こんがり大臣 Kongari Daijin?, Viz: "Minister of Baking"), governing over Yakigashi Island.

Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Whole Cake Island Arc.


Oven is an extremely large and muscular man, towering over Pedro, who himself is quite tall. He has a very thick neck, and hair that is arranged into three curved sections, as well as a short, spiky beard. His hair color is a gradient that resembles something being baked, starting out blond and turning into a dark orange. His skin has a light pink tint, similar to Monkey D. Luffy when Gear 2 is activated.

He wears a high-collared orange cape which ties in the front in a yellow bow, short gloves, a thick belt with a circular buckle, capris, striped socks, and loafers. When his Devil


Oven has utmost loyalty to his mother and will follow her orders to the letter. This includes being complicit to exiling former husbands, as seen when he attacked Pound when he intruded on Cacao Island to see Chiffon. When ordering the people on Cacao Island to break all of their mirrors, he threatened to kill them and their families if they did not comply.

Abilities and Powers

As the Minister of Browned Food, Oven has authority over Yakigashi Island in Totto Land. As an officer in the Big Mom Pirates, Oven holds a high position in the crew and has authority lower-ranking members. Vito noted Oven as one of the "monsters" among the Big Mom Pirates, comparing him to his Sweet Commander siblings Katakuri and Smoothie. With a bounty of 300,000,000, the World Government considers him to be a significant threat.

Physical Abilities

Oven has enormous physical strength, as he could block a sword strike from Pedro, a powerful mink who is capable of cutting through metal armor and shields with great ease. Oven effortlessly overpowered Chopper in his Kung-Fu Point form, and though he was surprise-attacked by Vinsmoke Niji, a genetically enhanced superhuman who was empowered by his Raid Suit, he was shown to be unharmed by the kick. His punches are extremely powerful, as he is capable of dealing strong blows against large people like Chiffon and Pound.

Devil Fruit

Oven ate the Netsu Netsu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to emit high heat from his body. He can augment his melee attacks by heating up his body, allowing him to burn whatever he hits. His high heat can also be used defensively, as it deters his enemies for getting too close.


While attacking Pound, Oven wielded a large naginata with a handle that is longer than the blade. He can use his Devil Fruit powers to heat up his weapon, causing it to erupt in flames.

Charlotte Katakuri

Charlotte Katakuri is the second son and third child of the Charlotte Family and the elder triplet brother of Daifuku and Oven. He is also one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Flour (粉大臣 Kona Daijin?), governing over Komugi Island.

Due to his actions and role, Katakuri is the secondary antagonist in the second half of the Whole Cake Island Arc


Katakuri is an extremely tall, large, and muscular man standing in at 509 cm. He stands at nearly three times Luffy's height, and is slightly taller than his younger triplet brothers, Daifuku and Oven, who are incredibly tall themselves. He has short spiky crimson hair and two symmetric scars on both sides of his face. He has long legs, with his thighs being equally as long as his lower limbs. His mouth, which is usually covered up, contains sharp pelican eel-like teeth and is capable of expanding to an enormous size.


Katakuri is a calm, serious, and diligent man who devotes himself to protecting his family and crew and achieving their objectives. He frequently uses his advanced Kenbunshoku Haki to quickly address any problems or threats that he foresees, and whenever possible he will work to change the future he foresees and stop the problem before it happens. Katakuri makes sure to waste no time in accomplishing his tasks; when his brother Perospero was gloating to the captured Vinsmoke Family, Katakuri told him to hurry and shoot them immediately. Katakuri is quite brutal when attacking opponents to ensure they are quickly neutralized, and will use his weapons to inflict gruesome wounds with impunity. Katakuri's haste to resolve problems can sometimes work against him, though, as his attempts to change the future may not achieve his intended result. Katakuri is almost always calm even in the most perilous of situations, as it is necessary for his mind to be clear in order to utilize Kenbunshoku Haki. If he is taken by surprise or foresees something terrible in the future, he is shown to lose color on his face and he may sometimes shout, but he does not panic.

Abilities and Powers Overview

As one of the Three Sweet Commanders, Katakuri's authority in the Big Mom Pirates is second only to his mother's, and as Totto Land's Minister of Flour, he holds authority over Komugi Island.

In battle, Katakuri is a very powerful combatant. His tremendous bounty of Beli.png1,057,000,000 shows how dangerous he is considered by the World Government, and Capone Bege of the infamous Worst Generation has likewise declared him a monstrous threat. According to his crewmates, Katakuri is the strongest of the Three Sweet Commanders, the strongest of Big Mom's children overall, and thus the most capable member of their crew aside from Big Mom herself; Daifuku even stated that, were Big Mom to die, Katakuri's skills would make him the most worthy of succeeding her as captain of the Big Mom Pirates.

Physical Abilities

Noted to be the strongest of the Three Sweet Commanders, Katakuri possesses immense physical strength, being able to flick jelly beans with such extreme force and velocity that they act like bullets. Even from a very far distance, Katakuri can kill a man standing atop a gigantic wedding cake with a flicked jellybean. He was also able to defeat Vinsmoke Ichiji, a genetically enhanced Germa 66 commander, who was wearing his Raid Suit, with minimal effort and without incurring any injuries himself.


Katakuri wields a trident named Mogura in battle. He was first seen wielding it during Sanji and Charlotte Pudding's wedding ceremony. When not in use, he keeps the trident inside his mochi body. Katakuri is extremely skilled in wielding his trident Mogura, which he uses in conjunction with his Devil Fruit powers and physical prowess to perform devastating thrusts.


Katakuri's immense physical strength and accuracy allows him to act as a sniper and marksman. Katakuri is highly skilled in flicking jelly beans as improvised bullets with great accuracy. He could hit Jigra in the head from so far away that Bege did not even notice him, and later would have hit Sanji as well had the latter not dodged at the last moment. He can even shoot several jelly beans at once to hit multiple targets simultaneously.

Devil Fruit

Katakuri ate the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a Special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that lets him create, control, and transform his body into mochi at will. His mochi is extremely thick and adhesive, allowing him to trap even extremely strong enemies with it, although it loses its effectiveness when exposed to liquids.

Five Elders

The Five Elders are a council of the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons that make up the head of state for the World Government. They essentially hold the greatest authority over the entirety of the world; the only exception being the mysterious sovereign Im whom they answer to.

Their influence over the World Government and its military is paramount and limitless, including command over the Marines, Cipher Pol, and even the Seven Warlords of the Sea prior to their abolishment, making them one of the main antagonistic groups of the series.

So far, none of their names have been revealed and it is unknown how they became the leaders of the World Government or how long they have been ruling it. They are almost always found in the Room of Authority in Pangaea Castle.


Despite being Celestial Dragons, none of the Five Elders wore the full-body white suit that their lower-ranking brethren wear. Also, none of them wear the bubble or glass case that separates their air supply from other people over their heads. They are all rather tall, comparable in height to the over 10 feet tall Sakazuki. It would appear that none of them has physically changed in appearance over the course of twenty-two years (from the destruction of Ohara to current times).


Their primary concerns are protecting an unstable world from the influence of piracy and maintaining the public image of the World Government, going to great lengths to keep their oppressive reputation a secret from the public. They have ordered the killing of an entire island of people to hide the discovery of the Void Century, they have hidden the fact that Gecko Moria was beaten by Monkey D. Luffy and later ordered his silent assassination to make it look like he died in the war for a better image, and they have kept the escape of Level 6 inmates of Impel Down a secret, a decision that even angered Sengoku, the then-fleet admiral of the Marines. They are extremists who will sacrifice a countless number of innocent people for the sake of maintaining the World Government's political power and authority and even turn a blind eye to political corruption such as the atrocities of the Warlords of the Sea Crocodile and Donquixote Doflamingo, and when it should ever be exposed, they will simply give the Marines credit through falsified propaganda.

Known Knowledge

The tall, thin one with the mustache (second from right) spoke with Professor Clover and ordered Spandine to kill him before the archaeologist could speak the Great Kingdom's name. They have shown to have at least basic knowledge of the occurrences of the Void Century, according to their shocked reactions to Professor Clover's statements.

They have shown a paranoid fear of someone learning the history of the Void Century, masking it as fear of the discovery of ancient weapons. They forbid its research and order the utter destruction of the entire country of Ohara, though given what is known of the Void Century, they may simply be using that as an excuse in order to prevent information they do not want leaked to the public from getting out.

Abilities and Powers

Known as the Highest Authority of the World Government (世界政府最高権力 Sekai Seifu Saikō Kenryoku?), the Five Elders are the rulers of the entire world with tremendous political power superior to their fellow World Nobles, second only to Im. They have complete control over all government affiliated organizations such as the police, the ten Cipher Pol units, and even the Marines as they are all completely subservient to their commands. Even the orders of the fleet admiral of the Marines can be vetoed by their decisions. They can declare a Buster Call attack on any island that they deem a threat and can pass that authority onto lower World Government ranking agents. They can revoke a Warlord of the Sea title, if they decide that he/she is not living up to their duties as a Warlord.


Kalifa is a member of CP0.

Prior to being instated into CP0, she was the secretary of Iceburg; as well as the only female member of CP9. After CP9's defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, she and the rest of CP9 were dismissed by Spandam. For unexplained reasons, she was later reinstated and promoted to CP0. She is also Laskey's daughter.

She was one of the major antagonists during the Water 7 and Enies Lobby Arcs.


Kalifa is a slim, pretty woman with blue eyes and glasses. Like Kuro, she often pushes up her glasses. Her strawberry-blonde hair was about shoulder-length when she first infiltrated Water 7, and she grew it out over the years she spent undercover there. She kept it tied up in a bun as a secretary, but let it fall freely when she was revealed to be an assassin.


While undercover as Iceburg's secretary, Kalifa was shown to be a serious and business-like woman, and was seen to be dutifully loyal to Iceburg, accompanying him everywhere to remind him of his mayoral duties and attacking anyone who approached him without the proper respect. She is known for her trademark phrase "That's sexual harassment", which she often uses in entirely inappropriate situations. She is shown to be very bright by the ease with which she anticipates Iceberg's needs, and how well she meets his difficult schedule. She is calm, and tries to diffuse chaotic situations, such as trying to calm Paulie when he was shocked at Nami's revealing outfit.

Abilities and Powers
Physical Abilities

With a Doriki of 630, Kalifa has a high degree of superhuman strength. She employs a kick-based fighting style when not using Rokushiki or Awa Awa no Mi techniques. She possesses formidable leg strength. Alongside Kaku, she could produce a cutting shockwave powerful enough to cut stone walls while using Rankyaku. She could even match Sanji's kicking power, and her attack speed is fast enough to leave residual images after striking. During the attack on Galley-La Headquarters, her fighting style was strongly intertwined with the use of her spiked whip, but she was not seen using this weapon after she ate the Awa Awa no Mi.


Like the other CP9 members, Kalifa has mastered all six techniques of the Rokushiki style. Despite being the weakest member of CP9's assassins, with a Doriki of 630, she is still considered one of CP9's strongest assets.


In Water 7, she showed great skill at using a spiked whip. She could bind Franky, a powerful cyborg, and stop a Sea Train from moving away.

Devil Fruit

Kalifa ate the Awa Awa no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows her to create and control soap bubbles. The bubbles that Kalifa creates are capable of cleaning anything, they can even "clean" the strength off of her opponents. Once an opponents strength has been "cleaned", they are almost completely unable to move. Their strength comes back once the bubbles are no longer on them though.


Blueno is a member of CP0.

Prior to being instated into CP0, he was a member of CP9 who worked undercover as the bartender of a bar in Water 7. After CP9's defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, he and the rest of CP9 were dismissed by Spandam. For unexplained reasons, he was later reinstated and promoted to CP0.

He was one of the major antagonists during the Water 7 Arc and a minor antagonist during the Enies Lobby Arc.


He is a tall man with big lips, a black beard, and black hair in which his hairstyle resembles the horns of a bull. During his time as a bartender, he wore a black and yellow polka-dotted shirt with an apron over it. As a CP9 member, he wore a black two-piece suit with a white handkerchief in his breast pocket and a sweater undershirt.

During his contact with Robin in Water 7 and the attempts to assassinate Iceburg, he wore a checkered pattern cloak with necklaces of beads. Accompanying this costume, he wore two masks. First, he wore a mask with lipstick and markings that go over the eyes and down the cheeks. He then a sleepy smiling bear mask after the former was left in the Galley-La Company.


While the entire Water 7 CP9 unit gave the initial expression of emotionless, justice-devoted killing machines, Blueno is the only one to maintain such a facade; while the others—Kaku, Lucci, Kalifa, Jabra, Fukurou, and Kumadori—are shown taking pleasure in fighting, toying with their opponents, and so on, Blueno remains calm and collected nearly all the time, implying that this is his natural personality. As a result, Blueno comes to symbolize the cynical, evil actions of the World Government—namely using Nico Robin, by blackmailing her through traumas inflicted by the World Government in the first place.

Abilities and Powers

Blueno is highly intelligent and cunning, being able to maintain the disguise of a friendly bartender in Water 7 for approximately five years while simultaneously searching for the blueprints of the legendary Pluton vessel in the city, without attracting any suspicion or attention.

Physical Abilities

From intense training in the Rokushiki martial arts, Blueno has incredible superhuman physical strength with a 820 Doriki. He was easily able to overpower all of the Galley-La shipwrights who are highly skilled and powerful fighters. He was able to knock out Tilestone, a very large and strong man in one punch. With a single tug of a whip, Blueno was able to pull three train cars towards him with such force that they slammed together violently.

Devil Fruit

Blueno ate the Doa Doa no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create and open doors on any surface, no matter how strong or thick said surface may be. His doors revert back to their original state after some time has passed; in his own words, "if a door is opened, it must close".


Blueno's Tekkai seems to be the one of the more powerful of the group, and he was the first to reveal any variations of the move. While not a master at the level of Jabra, Blueno understands the physics of Tekkai well enough to develop variants such as "Rin" that allow him mobility in conjunction with Tekkai. In addition, he displays a level of tactical prowess, taking his time to determine how to minimize Luffy's increased speed.


Blueno possesses the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.


Sakazuki, formerly known by his admiral alias Akainu, is the current fleet admiral of the Marines, succeeding the previous fleet admiral, Sengoku. During the first half of the series, he was one of the three admirals, as the last one to debut. Upon becoming the fleet admiral, one of Sakazuki's first decisions was to relocate Marine Headquarters into the New World in preparation for the New Pirate Age.

In the manga, Akainu was first mentioned by Nico Robin during the initial encounter with Aokiji. In the anime, he was mentioned earlier by vice admiral Jonathan during the anime-only G-8 Arc, which aired after Akainu had been revealed in the manga.

Sakazuki is perhaps the most strident follower of Absolute Justice in the entire series, to the point where his extremism prompted his fellow admiral Aokiji to oppose his promotion to fleet admiral and resign from the Marines after this effort failed. Because of his actions, Sakazuki is one of the main antagonists of the Marineford Arc and, after his promotion, he became one of the central antagonists of the series.


Sakazuki is an incredibly tall, light-skinned, unusually muscular man (the most muscular of the former admirals and being on par with Sengoku and Garp). He's about as tall as his fellow admirals, with a square-shaped face, very pronounced facial features, and short black hair. He stands at 306 cm (10'), making him taller than other massive characters like Jinbe, who is 301 cm. He usually wears a standard Marine cap and sports a crimson, double-breasted suit, decorated with what appears to be a pink rose on his left buttonhole. Unlike many high-ranking Marines, he does not wear a tie, but instead leaves his light red colored flower-patterned shirt unbuttoned, showing his muscular neck and part of his tattoo. He wears black gloves and black shoes.


While he is a strong and capable leader who has done well to consolidate the power and prestige of the Marines, Sakazuki would be best categorized as an extremist and highly dogmatic. He is an adamant believer in Absolute Justice and is ruthless in his maintenance of it, his derived motto being "Thorough Justice" (徹底的な正義 Tetteiteki na Seigi?). He has a stern, dead-serious disposition, is grim, expressionless, and was the most ruthless out of three admirals pre-timeskip. This has given him a very fearsome reputation, but of greater concern is his dogmatism, which may end up making the Marines into a force that is worse than the enemies they hope to eliminate. Despite this disposition, Sakazuki seems to be able to restrain himself at times, having chosen to spare the life of Jewelry Bonney and her crew after they were left beaten and tied by the Blackbeard Pirates for the then-admiral to salvage, and letting his colleague Aokiji leave the Marines after he lost a ten-day duel for the position of fleet admiral.

Abilities and Powers Overview

As fleet admiral, Sakazuki has total operational command of the Marines, with at present only six direct superiors to answer to: the World Government's Five Elders and Commander-in-Chief. On top of any prior-held authorities as admiral (e.g., issuing special orders like the enactment of a Buster Call on any island he deems a threat, at any time, and granting others such privilege), Sakazuki can now fully lay down the organization's strategy, decide tactics and set policy, discretionally assign and reassign forces to deploy globally in missions (including the admirals), promote or demote the lower ranks, and delegate any such powers as he sees fit; during the two-year timeskip, he exercised his authority to have the Marine Headquarters relocated to the New World as well as institute a global-scale draft.

Leadership and Intelligence

Attesting to Sakazuki's perceived leadership competencies and military acumen, he had many dignitaries of the government strongly push for him to succeed Sengoku as fleet admiral, over the latter's personal nomination of Kuzan. While known, feared, and disdained by some for his hardline, over-the-top methods, Sakazuki's prowess as a leader is undeniable. Indeed, as noted by Jinbe, the Marine HQ under him has supposedly grown far stronger and more determined than ever before, despite the resignations of Kuzan, Sengoku, and Garp, thus bearing out Sakazuki's capabilities.

Physical Abilities

As with all admirals, Sakazuki's physical prowess is immense. His raw physical strength was enough for him to go up against and clash evenly with Whitebeard in close quarters—the "Strongest Man in the World" who, in his old age, could still overpower a giant's strength easily. Using a single leg, Sakazuki held back a two-handed swing of the elder's large naginata, which came clad in a quake bubble to massively enhance its striking force.

Devil Fruit

Sakazuki ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform his body into magma. His magma is extremely hot and highly explosive, thus making it well-suited for combat, allowing Sakazuki to burn, melt, and destroy anything in his path—in fact, among all Devil Fruits, Sakazuki's is said to offer the greatest attack power.


As the fleet admiral of the marines, Sakazuki is a highly skilled Haki user.

Busoshoku Haki

During the Summit War, Sakazuki was seen using advanced-grade Busoshoku Haki to block and disperse a long-distance quake shockwave sent out by Whitebeard, by generating, with his fellow admirals, an emitted shield combination of their three Haki.

Kenbunshoku Haki

Sakazuki possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.


Sakazuki was seen wielding a dagger as a child and a red-hilted katana during his youth as a Marine.


Borsalino, more commonly known by his alias Kizaru, is an admiral in the Marines. After Aokiji resigned from the Marines and Akainu was promoted to fleet admiral, Kizaru is now the only remaining admiral from the previous trio.

He was first mentioned by Nico Robin during the Straw Hats' initial encounter with Aokiji. Because of his actions, Kizaru can be considered the secondary antagonist of the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and one of the major antagonists of the Marineford Arc.


Kizaru is an incredibly tall, relatively slim man, roughly the same size as the other two ex-admirals Aokiji and Akainu. He is of middle age with a moderate amount of wrinkles on his face, short curly black hair, and a very thin beard. He is older than the other two admirals, a fact that is reflected in his looks.

Kizaru's standard outfit consists of a yellow striped suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms not in its sleeves. Kizaru also wears pure white shoes, gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit. There is a tiny Black Den Den Mushi on his left wrist, like a wristwatch, underneath the sleeve of his suit. He is generally seen wearing a relaxed grin on his face.


Kizaru comes off as a laid-back, easygoing man who seems to take most things lightly no matter the severity of the situation. He talks in a calm voice suiting this demeanor — in a sarcastically intonated, slow manner with the last syllable of a sentence often drawn out (usually the sentence-final particles "ne" (ね?) or "yo" (よ?) for emphatic effect). He is prone to beginning sentences with a stressed "ooh", such as when observing something surprising or that piques his interest. Still, his register is quite formal (compared to Aokiji's more colloquial or Akainu's rougher, more derogatory speech patterns), using the polite "desu"/"masu" and taking care to address certain people with an honorific (such as his superior or even a pirate of high status). Kizaru is notably the only Admiral who prefers to be addressed by his real name.

Abilities and Powers Overview

As an admiral, Kizaru ranks second only to Fleet Admiral Sakazuki (formerly Sengoku) in the Marines, holding power over the many thousands of junior personnel. His authority entails commanding fleets, having sway on the overall strategy of headquarters, and issuing special-purpose orders like a Buster Call to destroy any island he judges a threat, or temporarily passing on to others such privileges. The admiral being able to exercise these authorities duly and efficiently bespeaks a great deal of military leadership and coordination skills on his part.

Physical Abilities

Befitting his admiral status, Kizaru's physical prowess is immense. His raw strength was enough for him to trade equal blows with the elder (yet still extremely powerful) Rayleigh and even engage Whitebeard himself face-to-face (the latter's bodily might, even in his old age, vastly exceeding a giant's), even pinning down Whitebeard's large naginata underfoot with ease. Generally, Kizaru's melee attack style empathizes incredibly heavy kicks via his ability to move at the speed of light, allowing Kizaru to easily demolish entire buildings and incapacitate pirates of noticeable skill with a single blow.


Kizaru has shown to be an extremely skilled swordsman, specifically in wielding his large light sword. He could fight evenly Rayleigh, an extremely skilled swordsman in his own right despite being old and out of shape, to a draw even while having his intangibility negated by his foe's powerful Haki.

Devil Fruit

Kizaru ate the Pika Pika no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform his body into light. Among other things, he is able to move, travel, and perform kicks at the speed of light, shoot laser beams, and blind his opponents.

For offense, Kizaru can shoot powerful laser beams from his fingertips and the bottoms of his feet, which can easily pierce through flesh and/or set off massive, heat-based explosions. He can fire a single laser with pinpoint accuracy or unleash a massive gatling of laser bullets over a wide area.

Busoshoku Haki

During the Summit War, Kizaru was seen using advanced-grade Busoshoku Haki to negate a long-distance quake shockwave sent out by Whitebeard, by generating, alongside his fellow admirals, an emitted shield combination of their three Haki to disperse said shockwave.

Kenbunshoku Haki

Borsalino possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.


Issho, better known by his alias Fujitora, is an admiral in the Marines. He was conscripted through a World Military Draft during the two-year timeskip, being appointed to his rank (next to Ryokugyu) to fill the two admiral vacancies caused by Aokiji's resignation and Sakazuki's promotion. A proponent of "Humane Justice", Fujitora notably spearheaded a campaign for the abolishment of the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" system, which came to pass during the most recent Levely.

Fujitora was first mentioned by Sakazuki when the latter was discussing plans to deal with Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law on Dressrosa. His following mission and actions on Dressrosa made him the first admiral to physically appear post-timeskip and the secondary antagonist of the Dressrosa Arc.


Fujitora is a blind man with only the whites of his eyes showing, though he usually keeps both eyes closed. He has an X-shaped scar centered on the left side of his forehead that stretches over both eyes, which was actually self-inflicted due to his decision to blind himself. He has short dark hair, a mustache, and a beard. He seems to be very tall, a trait shared with other admirals.

Like other admirals, Fujitora sports the standard Marine coat with his personal clothes underneath, wearing the coat on his shoulders like a cape with his arms not in the sleeves. His sleeves' cuffs are purple. While previous admirals and other high-ranked Marines wear the conventional suit and tie underneath their Marine coats, Fujitora opts for a light-purple yukata held up with a dark purple belt, all underneath a purple cloak, matching the color in his alias. Fujitora wields a shikomizue (a Japanese swordstick) that doubles as a cane for his blindness, and also wears geta sandals. He has white bandages wrapped around both of his forearms, with handguards on both hands.


Fujitora is a virtuous man who cares greatly about doing the right thing and detests evil. His blindness is a result of him intentionally inflicting damage on his eyes out of sorrow for all the evil he had seen, with him stating in Dressrosa that not having sight is a blessing. His Justice motto as a Marine is "Humane Justice" (仁義ある正義 Jingi aru Seigi?). His primary goal is to protect people, telling a subordinate that it is more important to take into account the number of lives to protect rather than the number of enemies against them. He takes care to never put innocent civilians in harm's way during conflict and will try to avoid causing collateral damage with his attacks; when he does inflict such damage, he makes sure to compensate the owner of the involved property. Fujitora will make the effort to keep civilians away from harm even when he himself is not involved in the proceedings, including doing things such as protecting them from the collateral damage of other fights and even proactively calling for extra medics to come to the Corrida Colosseum in the likely event that spectators were harmed by the combatants' attacks. 

Abilities and Powers

As an admiral, Fujitora has command over the thousands of Marines ranked beneath him, his status being just below the fleet admiral's. Among other things, he holds the authority to call out battleships however he sees fit and to initiate a Buster Call on any island he deems to be a threat, as well as pass on to lower-ranking government agents the same privilege.

Combat wise, Fujitora (along with his fellow admirals) is thought to constitute the World Government's "Greatest Military Force", making him one of the world's most powerful people. As noted by Doflamingo and himself, Fujitora and Ryokugyu are known as "powerful monsters" in the Marines. Fleet admiral Sakazuki had confidence in Fujitora's ability to deal with Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law, both members of the Worst Generation and the latter (at the time) a Warlord of the Sea. From just a brief display of his powers, Fujitora earned the prompt admiration of Luffy, who could easily ascertain his strength. Yet another such display sufficed to intimidate Law and even the normally unshakable Doflamingo.

Physical Abilities

Fujitora's physical strength and fortitude are immense, befitting an admiral. He was able to defend against and repel powerful attacks from the likes of Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, and Luffy as well as clash with them (including the latter when using Gear 2 and Gear 3) with little to no visible effort. He could also withstand a kick from Doflamingo without issue using his sword. Incredibly resilient, Fujitora could guard against a Haki-imbued Gear 3 punch from Luffy without using his own Haki while remaining unhurt by the blow.


Fujitora wields a shikomizue (a sword blade in a cane-like mounting) in tandem with his Devil Fruit ability, channeling his gravity powers through the sword. The sword is a Meito, though its name is yet to be revealed. Usually, Fujitora wields his weapon in a reverse-grip style, the blade pointing in the direction opposite to his thumb. Despite his blindness, the admiral has shown to be extremely skilled with his blade, able to deflect or block incoming attacks, even extremely strong ones or surprise attacks, with little issue using simple parrying maneuvers, demonstrating lightning-fast dexterity all the while. Fujitora's swordsmanship, combined with his Devil Fruit powers, allowed him to repeatedly and evenly clash with Sabo wielding his flame-shrouded staff and exhibit no trouble in doing so.

Devil Fruit

Fujitora ate the Zushi Zushi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravitational forces. The ability's range of effect can potentially span wide areas, even entire islands, and is primarily channeled through the admiral's sword.

Busoshoku Haki

Fujitora is a highly skilled user of Busoshoku Haki, being able to clash head-on with Sabo, a Logia user who himself is proficient with this Haki. Fujitora can focus a strong concentration of Haki into his sword, rendering it obsidian-black and strong enough to defend against the razor-sharp string bars of Doflamingo's Torikago, which can easily slice up cannonballs and stone buildings.

Kenbunshoku Haki

Fujitora possesses masterful skill in Kenbunshoku Haki, which he uses to compensate for his blindness in battle, and his incredible skill gives him a strong sense of danger. He can accurately predict fast (and surprise) attacks from enemies, like an unexpected kick from Doflamingo, and generally handle combat against extremely strong, fast, and agile enemies without apparent difficulty. Most notably, Fujitora is capable of perceiving living beings around him as images in his "mind's eye" (represented as colored, person-shaped auras on a dark background), in a way unimpaired by his blindness. Additionally, Fujitora has demonstrated the ability to read and hear the true thoughts and emotions of other people, which made him aware, for example, that the Dressrosa citizenry bore no ill will towards Luffy while "chasing" him out of their country.


Vice Admiral Momonga is a Marine officer and the Base Commander of the G-1 Marine Base. He was one of the five vice admirals who had led the Buster Call on Enies Lobby.


Momonga is a man with a black mohawk and a mustache (dark red in the anime). He wears the standard marine uniform, consisting of a purple and white pinstripe suit with a coat draped over his shoulders, like Kizaru. Underneath his coat lies a dark blue shirt and a light blue tie. He is of average height and very well-built. He carries around his weapon of choice, a katana, either attached to his right hip or on his shoulder.

In his youth, he wore a marine cap and had not yet grown a mustache.

Twenty-seven years ago Momonga looked the same, except his mustache was much longer and thinner, and his mohawk was arranged in a different style, pointing forward.


Momonga is very serious. He is stern and dead set on completing all of his missions. As of yet, it is uncertain what type of "Justice" he follows, although he appears to be sincerely concerned on the welfare of his subordinates. However, he is sometimes easily annoyed by their incompetence, as seen when they quickly fell for Hancock's charms.

He is apparently instinctive, being that he figured out a way to block the effects of Boa Hancock's Mero Mero Mellow beam in mere seconds. Although he is not completely immune to her beauty, he is at least resilient enough to not be completely captivated by her charms.

Momonga also appears to value etiquette and civility, as he was quickly disgusted by the atrocious behavior of many despicable Level 6 inmates in Impel Down when a large number of them began hooting and hollering at the sight of Boa Hancock and said disgusting things to Magellan, which he found highly undignified and vulgar.

Abilities and Powers

As a vice admiral within the marines, Momonga has respectable abilities in both mind and body. When he waits to "collect" Hancock, he kills a Sea King from the inside. Similarly, he is able to block Hancock's Devil Fruit abilities by stabbing his hand with a knife, using pain to block the lust that consumed the rest of his crew and turned them into stone. Hancock stated that it was his experience that prevented him from being affected by her power. Momonga also leaves Hancock with a warning that even without his men he is still dangerous.

Physical Abilities

Momonga has incredible strength as he was able to easily kill a Sea King which is tough enough to resist gunfire and cannonballs without taking any damage. Momonga is also extremely agile, as shortly after he dived inside the Sea King's stomach through the mouth, he swiftly killed it. He has a strong tolerance to pain as he readily stabbed his own hand to resist the effects of Hancock's petrification powers.


Momonga can use at least two of the Rokushiki techniques. During the Summit War of Marineford, he is seen using Soru and Geppo against Monkey D. Luffy.


Momonga is a highly proficient and powerful swordsman, as seen when he could kill a Sea King with his sword from the inside of its belly. He is seen employing swordsmanship with his Rokushiki techniques. In the anime, he could cleanly slice Panz Fry's gigantic soup ladle made of metal and also take down the giant in a single slash.


Momonga carries around a katana with a flower-shaped octofoil tsuba and a brown hilt-wrapping, attached to his right hip, which may suggest that he's either left-handed or ambidextrous. He also has a tanto, which he used to inflict pain on himself to prevent himself from getting petrified by Hancock's Mero Mero no Mi.


Like all vice admirals, Momonga is capable of using Haki. He possesses the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.


Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo is a Marine officer and the son of ex-Marine Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan. Once a civilian who shamelessly exploited his father's status, he (together with Koby) underwent extensive training under Vice-Admiral Garp to become a full-fledged serviceman, currently holding the rank of lieutenant commander. He is also a member of the secret group known as SWORD.

Due to his actions during his initial appearance, he can be considered a supporting antagonist of the Romance Dawn Arc. He and Koby are also the protagonists of Diary of Koby-Meppo Cover Page Serial.


Helmeppo is a lanky, average-sized young man with a distinctive cleft chin and light blonde hair.

Originally, he wore his hair in a bizarre mushroom-shaped style, coupled with flashy leisure suits (and what appeared to be a rubber-band ring on his left hand). After his father was ousted from power, he was "demoted" to a standard Marine chore-boy uniform.

Under the training of Vice-Admiral Garp, he became notably taller and more muscular. By the time he progressed to Chief Petty Officer, he started to wear his hair in a broad ponytail, coupled with a white shirt, pale green vest over it, purple slacks, black gloves, and a rather odd-looking black visor over his eyes.

At his current rank of Lieutenant Commander, he has donned a brimmed white hat and junior Marine officer's overcoat. Unlike most other Marines of similar rank, he wears this coat conventionally (i.e. with arms in the sleeves). 


During his father's rule over the 153rd Branch and Shells Town, Helmeppo was spoiled and obnoxious, constantly exploiting anyone he could with threats of arrest and execution. Whenever his status failed to protect him, he would inevitably collapse into total cowardice. Even at his worst, however, he was notably sentimental, showing small mercies unknown to Morgan.

He lost his luxurious life that he had under his father's rank after his father was kicked out. He was forced to become a chore boy alongside Koby, whose friendly approaches were turned down. Part of Helmeppo was still loyal to his father which was evident when he cried before his father's execution. However, he later realizes that his father is as brutal and murderous as the pirates, causing Helmeppo to oppose and disown him. This finally cut his last tie to his father and pushed him to change, becoming braver and less of a spoiled brat. Eventually, he and Koby become good friends.

Helmeppo matures by the events of Water 7, even referring to his younger self as "that bratty, selfish son who lived off his father's status". Now a lieutenant commander alongside Koby, he continues his training in the Marines. He was deeply (and comically) upset when Zoro and Luffy did not recognize him.

Helmeppo seems to be more levelheaded than Koby when it comes down to analyzing situations, as Koby is more aggressive. After the time skip, he has developed a penchant for being overly formal, even with Koby.

Abilities and Powers
Physical Abilities

In the beginning, Helmeppo was a typical weakling who relied on his father's status to get whatever he wanted. But after a harsh training regimen under Garp, Helmeppo gained great physical prowess. He was able to jump very high while intercepting Zoro.

After the two year timeskip, he became powerful enough to become a lieutenant commander, and overpower an entire pirate crew by himself with great ease.


Helmeppo is considerably skilled in swordsmanship. He was able to force Zoro on the defensive for a few seconds before ultimately losing. After the timeskip, his swordsmanship has greatly increased, able to cause considerable damage to a pirate submarine while underwater.


As a civilian, Helmeppo showed some interest in collecting weapons (including Zoro's Meito), but no desire or ability to use any of them apart from a single pistol.

As a full-fledged Marine, Helmeppo's weapons of choice are a pair of kukri, which he keeps at the back of his waist on his belt. He was seen using them against Zoro when they met again in Water 7. However, he was still no match for Zoro.


Helmeppo has implied that he is able to use Kenbunshoku Haki. He commented on how impressive Koby's Haki was compared to his own, in that Koby was able to sense an underwater attack on the ships of the Prodence and Dressrosa Kingdoms when he could not.


Koby is a Marine Captain who trained together with Helmeppo under Vice Admiral Garp's supervision. He is currently a member of the Marine special forces unit SWORD.

He was formerly an involuntary pirate ship caretaker for the Alvida Pirates until he was liberated by Luffy, and he was the first person Luffy befriended on his travels.

He is Luffy's ally during the Romance Dawn Arc. He and Helmeppo are the central characters from the Diary of Koby-Meppo Cover Page Serial and supporting antagonists of the Post-Enies Lobby Arc. Koby is also a brief antagonist in the Marineford Arc.


In his first appearance, Koby was a small, timid, chubby boy with pink hair and round-frame glasses.

Due to the passage of time and Garp's training, Koby has grown thinner and taller, standing close to Luffy in height. He has also gained a cross-shaped scar above his right eye, presumably earned under Garp's heavy-handed tutelage. His hair has grown longer and shaggier since his growth spurt, but it has retained its pink color.

Koby wears a standard-issue Marine jacket, pants, and neckerchief as well as a brightly patterned bandanna worn tied across his forehead. Koby's glasses are still present, but he has adopted the habit of wearing them pushed up on his forehead, occasionally using them for reading.

After the timeskip, Koby has grown even taller, reaching Garp's shoulders. He now wears a scarf, a senior officer's Marine coat with the word "justice" on it, a merit on his jacket, and a new bandanna. The scar on his forehead also has grown wider.


Koby was first introduced as the Alvida Pirates' hapless ship caretaker who lived in fear of both the ship's crew and captain. Two years of forced servitude had robbed him of all hope of escaping as well as his dream of becoming a Marine, leaving him with few goals other than avoiding being bludgeoned to death by Alvida's iron mace. Luffy was less than impressed with Koby's cowardice, describing him as "pretty stupid and useless...and kinda wimpy too". However, Luffy's boundless optimism and single-minded pursuit of his dream rekindled a similar conviction in the downtrodden ship caretaker, allowing him to defy his captors, even under the threat of a brutal death by Alvida's mace.

As the pair continued in their travels, Koby remained timid and cautious, often relying on Luffy to perform dangerous tasks and becoming alarmed by his companion's reckless behavior.

Abilities and Powers

In his first appearance, Koby lacked any fighting skills. According to Alvida, the only reason she kept him around was because he happened to be good at navigation. He gained some fighting skills when he trained under Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp alongside Helmeppo.

After two years, he reached the rank of captain. As a Marine captain, he has command over the lower-ranking Marines and is in charge of his own ship.

He has some knowledge of swordsmanship, as he was seen practicing with Helmeppo and Bogard.

Physical Abilities

Due to his harsh training regime under Garp as well as further training after two years, Koby possesses immense physical strength and speed. He has shown himself to be an excellent swimmer. He can move incredibly fast even when underwater, as he caught up to a torpedo within seconds. With his strength, he was capable of redirecting the large torpedo underwater with his bare hands.

In Episode of Luffy, he shattered a gigantic metal disk with a single punch and performed Rokushiki techniques with great ease.


Since his training with Garp, Koby has become strong enough to use at least one of the Rokushiki, the Soru technique. He has used Soru against Luffy twice: once at Water 7 and once at the Summit War of Marineford, although the technique did not help him win either fight.

In One Piece: Gigant Battle! 2 New World he is also capable of using the Geppo and Rankyaku techniques.

After the timeskip, Koby has mastered his Rokushiki techniques. In Episode of Luffy, he shows to be able to use a technique similar to Rankyaku, but is done with his arms.

Kenbunshoku Haki

During the Summit War of Marineford, Koby awakened an ability known as Kenbunshoku Haki. Koby was shown hunched over and crying intensely on the battlefield, saying that the voices in his head were disappearing one by one as the combatants around him were slain, much like what Aisa felt during the Skypiea Arc.

After the timeskip, Koby has developed his Kenbunshoku Haki to the point that it is on a very advanced level. He was able to notice a torpedo heading toward the Dressrosa-Prodence Kingdom ship underwater from his own ship a ways off, which shocked Helmeppo, as he did not notice the torpedo despite having Kenbunshoku Haki as well. On top of that, Koby also managed to sense Kyros's great strength even though he just met him.

Busoshoku Haki

Koby possesses the ability to use Busoshoku Haki.


Bartolomeo the Cannibal is a Super Rookie, the captain of the Barto Club and the captain of the second ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. He joined as a gladiator to compete for the Mera Mera no Mi at the Corrida Colosseum, where he met Monkey D. Luffy and pledged his loyalty towards him.

Formerly a mob boss from the East Blue, Bartolomeo witnessed Luffy miraculously escaping the execution Buggy had prepared for him during the events of the Loguetown Arc, a scene that changed Bartolomeo's life and turned him into a major fan of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is an ally of Luffy during the Dressrosa Arc, the beginning of the Zou Arc, the non-canon Silver Mine Arc, and the movie One Piece: Stampede. He is also one of the central characters from The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet Cover Page Serial.


Bartolomeo is a light-skinned, tall and lean yet muscular man. He has light green-colored hair in a wild, Mohawk style and no eyebrows. He has a demonic looking face, sharp fangs, and a ring piercing on his nasal septum. There are two lines tattooed under his right eye that curve towards his ear.

He has a dark tattoo on his chest of a thick ring with an opening on the top, wings on the sides, and long fangs on the bottom. He wears a dark purple coat with a stripe down each sleeve and a plumed collar and cuffs. On the back of it is a face with its head on fire with two crossing sabers just underneath it. He has a light-colored ring-patterned belt with a chain on the left. He has a weapon tucked in the front of his baggy checkered trousers, and has light ruffled dark boots on his feet.

Two years ago, he sported a yellow and red vertically striped coat with tan fur around the neck. He also had brown pants and a black belt. His hair was not as wild, being more slicked back in a pompadour style.


Bartolomeo can be rather vulgar and laid-back at times, as during the battle royale in B Block, he was lying on the sides watching the battle and then casually urinated off the side on the ring in front of all the spectators. His overall attitude and lack of refinement made him a very unpopular person among the audience, who booed Bartolomeo at every turn. During his formal introduction, Bartolomeo is said to be ranked number one on the "pirate we wish most to disappear" list.


Bepo is a polar bear mink and the navigator of the Heart Pirates. He is the younger brother of the late Nox Pirate Zepo.


Bepo is a white bear (possibly a polar bear as noted by the Marines) mink. He wears an orange jumpsuit that bears the Heart Pirates' jolly roger. He also wears small brown boots and has sharp teeth and claws. He is as tall as a normal bear, considerably taller than common humans.

In Wano Country, he had a topknot despite having short fur and no hair. He also wore a yukata with the Heart Pirates' jolly roger surrounded by fish.


Bepo tends to get depressed easily and apologizes whenever people point out that he is a talking bear. An example of his sensitivity is when Hancock called him a beast and scolded him for attempting to change the subject. His crewmates also scolded him when he wondered aloud whether Amazon Lily had female bears, much to their annoyance. Overall, members of the Heart Pirates accuse Bepo of having a weak will. Ironically, he was able to remain conscious after taking a blast of Haoshoku Haki from Rayleigh, a feat only the exceptionally strong-willed can accomplish. Those who do not know him call him meek.

He has been shown to order Jean Bart around (albeit unsuccessfully), seemingly delighted to have seniority over him. At the same time, he does not want Jean Bart to order him around. In the anime, he is shown to dislike hot environments (possibly due to his thick fur and the jumpsuit he wears), as he complained when the Heart Pirates' submarine was near an underwater volcanic region. Much like other male characters when they see a robot, Bepo is able to express admiration towards the General Franky.

Sometimes, he can do foolish things like eating a fish from a toxic river.

Abilities and Powers

As the navigator of the Heart Pirates, it can be assumed that Bepo has the knowledge required to navigate the seas. The level of his skills is as yet unknown, though it is expected that he is reasonably capable of navigating through the Grand Line. Interestingly enough, despite his occupation, he is not seen wearing a Log Pose, which is essential for Grand Line navigation. He also has some skill in cartography, as he was the one who drew the map of Dressrosa and Green Bit that Law shared with the Straw Hats. However, he appears to be a bit messy, as the map had his paw print on it, and Nami stated that his map-drawing and navigation skills are far from her own.

Bepo is fairly strong-willed, being able to withstand a blast of Silvers Rayleigh's Haki.

Physical Abilities

As a member of the Mink Tribe, Bepo, like all other minks, is a born warrior. Though he has not yet shown it yet, it can be presumed he is able to use Electro and transform into his Sulong form when gazing at the full moon like every other mink.

He is also a skilled martial artist combining his fighting skills with his superior physical abilities as a mink, allowing him to take out several Marines with ease but he is not strong enough to break a Pacifista as when he attempted to kick one, he wounded his leg, similar to Sanji's attack on Bartholomew Kuma.

After the timeskip, Bepo's fighting skills and physical prowess significantly improved. In the anime, he could hold his own against the Gifters of the Beast Pirates for twelve consecutive hours before Nekomamushi forced him to retreat.

Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece, while also desiring to know the purpose of the Will of D..

Law is the only known survivor of Flevance, a town whose inhabitants suffered from a condition known as Amber Lead Syndrome. Because the disease was fatal and poorly understood, Flevance was destroyed by neighboring countries out of fear, with a young Law barely escaping alive. He subsequently joined the Donquixote Pirates, where Donquixote Doflamingo intended to make Law one of his executive officers. However, thanks to the efforts of Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante, Law was freed from the Donquixote Pirates' influence and became a pirate set to bring down Doflamingo's empire.

During the timeskip, his bounty increased from 200,000,000 to 440,000,000, before it was frozen due to his induction into the Seven Warlords of the Sea. However, after having his title revoked during the events of the Dressrosa Arc, Law's bounty was reinstated and raised to 500,000,000. Eventually, his bounty would be raised to 3,000,000,000 for his role in taking down Big Mom of the Four Emperors alongside Eustass Kid during the Wano Country Arc.

Law joins forces with the Straw Hat Pirates for a brief moment during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and later on saves Luffy's life at the very end of the Marineford Arc. He is one of the central allies of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Dressrosa, Whole Cake Island, and Wano Country Sagas. He also acts as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the movie One Piece: Stampede.


Law is a slim young man of a relatively tall height. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes (grey in the anime), and his face is usually seen with a smirk. He wears a northern-style fur hat, which is white and has a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. He has short dark hair, a majority of which is obscured by his hat, save for his sideburns and a small goatee. His hair color is depicted as black in both the anime and manga, though sometimes the manga depicts it as blue.

He has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms; on both of his hands are letters spelled as D E A T H tattooed in black on each of the back of his fingers. Originally in the manga, his right hand was not tattooed while his left thumb had the letter A missing. Later on, all of his fingers were tattooed completely with all five letters. He also has a black cross on the back of both of his hands. On his chest, he has a tribal-style heart tattoo with his Jolly Roger on it. He has a simpler heart tattoo on his shoulders and his Jolly Roger tattooed on his back.

Before the Timeskip

He is seen wearing a yellow hoodie, with black sleeves and black hood. The hoodie has his Jolly Roger printed on the front of the chest area in dark ink, and he keeps the sleeves rolled up. Law wears a northern-style fur hat that has a rim running all around it. It is white in color and has a black dot pattern along the rim and lower areas of the hat. Law also sports a pair of jeans with odd dots on both the knee and ankle areas, similar to the ones on his hat, but darker in color. He sports a pair of dark, pointed shoes. He has a pair of small earrings on each ear.

In SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Law is shown with his fur hat and his faint shadows right under his eyes, but wore the uniform for the medical academy he was attending: a blue lab coat with a red tie, dark blue shorts, and green shoes. He was also holding a scalpel on his right hand and a frog on his left hand, since he was already in training to become a surgeon with his father being his teacher. After escaping Flevance, Law lost his tie and lab coat, and his shirt underneath became more raggedy, and his shorts have white spots on them. Because of his heritage, he inherited the Amber Lead Syndrome that accumulated throughout the generations of Flevance, which left his skin white and pallid until he obtained his cure.

After the Timeskip

In Oda's depiction of the Supernovas post-timeskip, he seems to have lost the fur rim of his hat, and replaced it with a thick bill, turning it into a rather spherical hat resembling a Wool Skipper. His goatee has become somewhat scruffier, and his right hand now also has the fingers tattooed. He now wears a yellow t-shirt similar in appearance to his old hoodie. He wears a black hoodie over the t-shirt, which features his Jolly Roger on the chest area in yellowish-orange ink. The sleeves of the hoodie are no longer rolled up, and it now has a fluffy fur collar.

During the Punk Hazard Arc, Law wears a long black coat with his crew's jolly roger along the hem and on the sleeve.

During the Dressrosa Arc, he wears an open black coat with a hood which features the word Corazon on the back. During his second confrontation with Doflamingo, Law's right arm was cut off. It is later reattached by Leo and healed by Mansherry.

During the Zou Arc, Law changed into a dark, short-sleeved shirt with a light-colored heart pattern on the lower left side. He also bears stitch marks on his right arm after it being reattached by Leo.

During the Wano Country Arc, Law wears a black and white yukata with his two Jolly Roger, an orange sash, a brown jittoku with yellow five-petal flower patterns and spots, and zōri. He briefly wears a tengai to hide his identity from his enemies such as Hawkins. During the raid on Onigashima, Law wears a yellow shirt and a blue cloak with fluffy fur collar. Law's outfit had different colors (a black cloak with a brown fluffy fur collar, a white collared shirt, and dark blue pants) in the original "DREAMIN' ON" opening.


Rockstar is a member of the Red Hair Pirates, being relatively new in the crew two years ago.


Rockstar is a fairly tall and burly man with dark skin and a red liberty-spikes-like hairstyle. He wears a colorful attire composed of a dark-purple, double-breasted coat (with buttons similar to Magellan's), left open on his chest to reveal a light-orange, wide-collared shirt, and a red foulard around his neck. He has a yellow sash tied around his waist, that instead of hanging only on one side, like seen on most of the other pirates, hangs down on both sides. He wears light-blue pants and brown boots and carries around a green-hilted saber, hanging on his left hip from a belt he has over the right shoulder.


A confident man, Rockstar demonstrates a great sense of pride. When he was insulted by Whitebeard's men, he wanted to fight them because they had damaged his honor. He also tried to use the strength of his captain to back up the importance of the letter he delivered to Whitebeard. He seems very loyal to his captain, sticking up for him in front of Whitebeard.

Rockstar has a strong sense of justice and wants other to always follow rules.

Abilities and Powers

Rockstar is currently considered a heavy-hitter of the Red Hair Pirates, a crew led by one of the Four Emperors, which attests to his strength. However, he does not hold the rank of officer. Before the timeskip, he was still a newcomer in the crew but held a 94,000,000 bounty from his previous pirating career. He attacks with a smashing sword-style that allows him to dig a hole like a drill.



Like most of Shanks' crew members, little is known about him. However, he claimed to have once been a famous and big-time pirate.

Sky Island Saga
Jaya Arc

Shanks sent him to deliver a message to Whitebeard, which the pirate captain promptly ripped up, going along with Shanks' prediction anyway. Whitebeard was also insulted by the fact that Shanks did not talk to him in person and instead sent a newcomer from his crew. Even so, Rockstar wanted to fight Whitebeard to reclaim his honor, but Shanks told him it was not a big deal and to pull back.

Water 7 Saga
Post-Enies Lobby Arc

When Shanks arrives on Whitebeard's ship, there is a scene in the manga of Lucky Roux, Benn Beckman and Yasopp with Rockstar visible in the background.

Four Emperors Saga
From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc

After the timeskip, Rockstar and members of the Red Hair Pirates were seen attending a wedding at the ruins of a certain island.

Howling Gab

Howling Gab is an officer of the Red Hair Pirates.


Gab is a large man with shaggy dark brown hair, small beard and pointy teeth giving him a lion-like appearance. In Marineford, he wore what looked like a brown cape. He is also shown wearing a backpack and white t-shirt during the events of the From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc.

Abilities and Powers

Gab is an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, giving him authority over lower-ranking members of the crew. Gab is a powerful individual himself, considering how Marine Commodore Brannew described the whole crew as having a high average of bounties. He is capable of generating air blades from his mouth through a roar-like technique.


Summit War Saga
Marineford Arc

Gab showed up alongside his captain and fellow officers of the crew in order to stop the Summit War of Marineford, ready to jump into action if the fighting continued.

Whole Cake Island Saga
From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc

After the timeskip, Gab and some members of the Red Hair Pirates were at the ruins of a certain island.

Wano Country Saga
Wano Country Arc

A week after the raid on Onigashima, the Red Hair Pirates sailed to Wano Country. Howling Gab explained that Bartolomeo, who seemed to be an ally of Straw Hat, had burned their Jolly Roger to replace it with that of the Straw Hat Pirates. Shanks decided to resolve that matter so as not to affect his credibility and then announced that the time had come to take the One Piece.


Hongo is the doctor and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates.


Hongo is a lean man with dirty blonde hair, which is tied up into a small ponytail. He has a stitched scar on the left side of his forehead. His outfit consists of an open coat showing his torso.

In his first appearance in Luffy's childhood, Hongo looked pretty similar to his current self, but seemingly lacked a few teeth despite having a full set of them in the present.


Like many of his fellow Red Hair crew members, Hongo enjoys partying, drinking, and the pirate life. However, at the Summit War of Marineford, he looked considerably more serious.

Abilities and Powers

Hongo is an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, giving him authority over lower-ranking members of the crew. Hongo is a powerful individual himself, considering how Marine commodore Brannew described the whole crew as having a high average of bounties.

As a doctor, Hongo has great knowledge of medical practices. He is also very familiar with weapons and can dismantle them near instantaneously.


Hongo appears to wield an as of yet unidentified polearm as his weapon. In the anime, this appears to be a quarterstaff.

He was also shown wielding a saber in the past.



Hongo was already part of the Red Hair Pirates 12 years ago. He could be seen partying with his crew and talking to Luffy about the joys of pirate life.

Summit War Saga
Marineford Arc

Hongo showed up alongside his captain and fellow main fighters of the crew in order to stop the Summit War of Marineford, being ready to jump into action if the fighting kept going.

Wano Country Saga
Wano Country Arc

A week after the raid on Onigashima, the Red Hair Pirates were sailing outside Wano. Some of the crew were excitedly discussing the prospect of seeing Luffy again. When Shanks refused and instead decided to look after his territories, Hongo was the one to remind his captain about Bartolomeo, who had been causing trouble on some of their islands.

Building Snake

Building Snake is the navigator and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates.


Snake is a tall and muscular man with long gray hair. He possesses two dragon tattoos: a smaller one on his right forearm and a larger one his right chest. He wears black sunglasses and a white coat.

Twelve years ago, he was was smaller in stature, had shorter, light brown hair and wore orange sunglasses instead. He already had the smaller dragon tattoo on his right forearm.

Abilities and Powers

Snake is an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, giving him authority over lower-ranking members of the crew. Snake is a powerful individual himself, considering how Marine Commodore Brannew described the whole crew as having a high average of bounties. He fights using a two sword style swordsmanship while using acrobatic moves and kicks.


Snake wields two swords, which he juggles around while performing his acrobatic moves.


Snake was already part of the Red Hair Pirates 12 years ago.

Summit War Saga
Marineford Arc

Snake showed up alongside his captain and fellow main fighters of the crew in order to stop the Summit War of Marineford, being ready to jump into action if the fighting kept going.

Four Emperors Saga
From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc

After the timeskip, Snake and some members of the Red Hair Pirates were at the ruins of a certain island. He was happy to read the newspaper showing the Straw Hat Pirates' new bounties.


Monster is one of the musicians and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates. He first appeared playing with his crew at the Partys Bar.


Monster is a relatively large monkey with tiny eyes and head fur tied up into a topknot. Like many monkeys, he has brown fur over most of his body, but has white fur on his stomach, face and hands.

12 years ago, Monster was smaller, with beady eyes and no topknot.


Monster seems to be very jolly and fun-loving, as he was seen partying with Shanks and his crew.

In the Red Hair Pirates, he is frequently seen perched around Bonk Punch's shoulders.

Abilities and Powers

Monster is an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, giving him authority over lower-ranking members of the crew.

Monster fights in tandem with Bonk Punch, beating up weaker enemies while Punch charges up the strength of his own attacks to deal with stronger foes.


East Blue Saga
Romance Dawn Arc

After Luffy stabbed his own eye, Monster partied with the Red Hair Pirates at Partys Bar in celebration of Luffy's craziness.

Summit War Saga
Marineford Arc

Monster showed up alongside Bonk Punch and fellow main fighters of the crew in order to stop the Summit War of Marineford, being ready to fight if the fighting kept on.

Four Emperors Saga
From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc

After the timeskip, Monster and some members of the Red Hair Pirates were at the ruins of a certain island.

Wano Country Saga
Wano Country Arc

Monster celebrated with Bonk Punch at the news of Luffy joining the Four Emperors.