The highly-anticipated Tokyo Revengers 2 Live-Action is set to release soon, bringing the manga to life on the big screen. The film will continue the story from where the first movie left off, with Takemichi attempting to save Hinata and his brother from the Tokyo Manji Gang. After his initial failed attempt, Takemichi is given the opportunity to travel back in time and rectify the mistakes he made in the past. Based on Ken Wakui's manga series, the story follows Hanagaki Takemichi as he navigates the complexities of time travel to prevent the tragic deaths of his loved ones.
Get ready for the live-action adaptation of Ken Wakui's Tokyo Revengers! The second movie, Tokyo Revengers 2, will be split into two parts, with the first part, "Chi no Valentine-hen -Unmei-" (Bloody Halloween Arc -Fate-), set to premiere on April 21, 2023 during the Golden Week and the second part, "Chi no Valentine-hen -Kessen-" (Bloody Halloween Arc -Decisive Battle-), set to release on June 30, 2023 in the summer. Be sure to mark your calendars and get ready for the next chapter in Takemichi's journey to save Hinata and Naoto.
The filming for Tokyo Revengers 2 Live-Action has already been completed, with the production company releasing promotional materials since October 31, 2022. Currently, the film is set for a theatrical release in Japan, with potential releases in Hong Kong, Thailand, and Taiwan later on. The first live-action film was also only released on DVD and Blu-ray at the end of the previous year.
Expect Tokyo Revengers 2 Live-Action to adapt the Bloody Halloween Arc, which is based on the fourth to eighth volumes of Ken Wakui's manga. The story follows Takemichi as he travels back in time and discovers that his ex-girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, is alive, but is killed again in front of him by a more ruthless version of the Tokyo Manji Gang. In order to save Hinata, Takemichi must uncover the truth behind the "sad incident" that caused the Gang's six founding members to split apart, as they hold the key to Hinata's survival.
Tokyo Revengers 2 Live-Action will feature the return of several cast members from the first movie, including Takumi Kitamura as Takemichi Hanagaki, Ryō Yoshizawa as Majiro "Mikey" Sano, and Yuki Yamada as Ken "Draken" Ryuguji. Additionally, new actors Kento Nagayama, Nijirō Murakami, and Mahiro Takasugi will join the cast as Keisuke Baji, Kazutora Hanemiya, and Chifuyu Matsuno respectively.
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